Portals and search engines that take you to a large number of glossaries on every topic imaginable, as well as general dictionaries, encyclopedias and other resources for translators. If you are looking for a very particular glossary that does not fall in the other categories, check the portals in this section.
1.Glossary Lists
2.Glossaries On General Topics
Glossaries of financial, business, banking and general economic terms: markets, mortgages, foreign trade, etc., in Spanish and English (monolingual) or bilingual. There are also some resources in several other languages.
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Economics And Finance In English
2.Monolingual Glossaries On Economics And Finance In Spanish
3.Bilingual Glossaries On Economics And Finance Spanish-English
4.Bilingual Economics And Finance Glossaries In Other Languages
5.Multilingual Economics And Finance Glossaries
These glossaries include topics on general communications, the media, advertising and marketing.
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Communications, Advertising And Marketing In English
2.Monolingual Glossaries On Communications, Advertising And Marketing In Spanish
3.Bilingual Glossaries On Communications, Advertising And Marketing Spanish-English
These glossaries are indispensable tools for translators who specialize in medicine. They have medical and pharmacological terms, names of different diseases and medications and other resources on public health.
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Health And Medicine In English
2.Monolingual Glossaries Of Health And Medicine In Spanish
3.Bilingual Health And Medical Glossaries In English And Spanish
4.Health And Medical Glossaries In Other Languages
5.Multilingual Economics And Finance Glossaries Health And Medical Glossaries
From math and astronomy to dinosaurs and rabbit breeding: you will find hundreds of glossaries here on an extensive selection of science-related topics.
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Science In English
2.Monolingual Science Glossaries In Spanish
3.Bilingual Science Glossaries English -- Spanish
4.Mono/bilingual Science Glossaries In Other Languages
5.Multilingual Science Glossaries
Jargon and phrases related to computers, computer programming, systems and networks can be found in these glossaries: dividing these between monolingual and bilingual is not easy because IT experts almost always use English terms! (Remember to also check the Electronics and telecommunications section, as you may find some related glossaries.)
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Computer-Related (It) Topics In English
2.Monolingual Glossaries On Computer-Related (It) Topics In Spanish
3.Bilingual Glossaries On Computer-Related (It) In English -- Spanish
4.Multilingual It Glossaries
In this section, you will find lists of terms that relate to heraldry, cooking, science fiction, religion, film, photography, dreams, coffee and millions of other things that make up the cultures of the world. (If you don't find what you're looking for here, check Sports and Recreational Activities.)
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Art And Culture In English
2.Monolingual Art And Culture Glossaries In Spanish
3.Bilingual Art And Culture Glossaries English-Spanish
4.Multilingual Art And Culturle Glossaries
Glossaries on e-books and antique or sign-language terms are added to the general dictionaries, lists of phrases and expressions and the different glossaries on regionalisms and slang.
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Language And Literature In English
2.Monolingual Glossaries On Language And Literature In Spanish
3.Bilingual Glossaries On Language And Literature English-Spanish
4.Mono/bilingual Glossaries On Language And Literature In Other Languages
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Insurance, Health Insurance And Other Work-Related Topics In English
2.Bilingual Glossaries On Insurance, Health Insurance And Other Work-Related Topics English-Spanish
Jargon for sports and other recreation activities (some of these may be in the Art and Culture section)
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Sports And Recreational Activities In English
2.Monolingual Glossaries On Sports And Recreational Activities In Spanish
3.Bilingual Glossaries On Sports And Recreational Activities English - Spanish
4.Glossaries On Sports And Recreational Activities In Other Languages
5.Multilingual Glossaries On Sports And Recreational Activities
Legal and political topics in glossaries on contracts, laws, Parliamentary topics, international organizations, adoption and much more. This also includes the field of Geography.
1.Monolingual Legal And Political Glossaries In English
2.Monolingual Legal And Politics Glossaries In Spanish
3.Bilingual Legal And Politics Glossaries English - Spanish
4.Bilingual Legal And Politics Glossaries In Other Languages
5.Multilingual Legal And Political Glossaries
Glossary of all types of transportation (trucks, trains, cars), fuels, ships and planes, as well as naval, aeronautic and military jargon.
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Transportation, Military, Naval, Aeronautics In English
2.Glossaries On Transportation, Military, Naval, Aeronautics In Spanish
3.Bilingual Glossaries On Transportation, Military, Naval, Aeronautics English - Spanish
Glossaries on all sectors of industry: from glass to energy, as well as general or specific technical terms on lighting, cleaning, etc.
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Industry And Technology In English
2.Monolingual Glossaries On Industry And Technology In Spanish
3.Bilingual Glossaries On Industry And Technology English - Spanish
4.Multilingual Industry And Technology Glossaries
Specific glossaries of terms and phrases related to architecture and engineering construction, methods and materials.
1.Monolingual Architecture And Engineering Glossaries In English
2.Monolingual Architecture And Engineering Glossaries In Spanish
3.Bilingual Architecture And Engineering Glossaries In Other Languages
4.Multilingual Architecture And Engineering Glossaries
Specific electronics, communications and telephone system terms. (Remember to also check the IT section, as you may find some related topics.)
1.Monolingual Glossaries On Electronics, Communications And Telephone Systems In English
2.Monolingual Electronics, Communications And Telephone System Glossaries In Spanish
3.Bilingual Electronics, Communications And Telephone System Glossaries English-Spanish